Saturday, April 20, 2013

Filmonaut XIV

If you saw my last post, you'll remember that 5 of the several rolls I recently developed turned out to be double exposures (no, it was not on purpose). These are the rest of those double exposure images along with a few "normal" ones.

reunited old friends

This one actually turned out to be pretty cool... that section in the middle of the frame where the
blinds are in focus is the reflection from the screen on my digital camera. Because the blinds
are the same distance from the screen on the digital camera as Joy is from the film camera, they
were in focus too. Thus, the random looking blinds in the middle of an otherwise intelligible blur
that is the screen on my digital camera. XD 

Working on the house with MJ 

There's dad in the left quarter of the frame 

 These next two pictures are from Emily's first roll. Unfortunately, most of them didn't turn out because of
those double exposures, but these two did.

a panorama that turned out to be pretty fun

my buddy, Joshua, in a half way completed camera obscura 

Sometimes my work shows up in the strangest places! I like those little surprises. 

Easter with Grandma 

Donna, the crazy cardinal who flies into the living room window three times a day. I finally got a shot of her. 

MJ, waiting at Noble Coffee & Tea Company for the first participants of the 
Photo Shoot Extravaganza to show up. 

MJ at work 

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