Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Hunter Project

I'm finally getting my hands dirty with some video work again! It's pretty fun to get back into the swing of things with some of my faithful working buddies.

This project in particular was actually commissioned by my family. We're interviewing the last living children of my great grandfather and great grandmother who just happen to be my grandmother and great aunt. If any of you know anything about my family and I, I'm sure you know how special our Hunter heritage is to us, and that's why it's so exciting to be working on this project in particular.

(grandma Mildred and her sister Stellamae) 

(my great grandfather, typesetting... now we know where I get it from) 

(aunt Jo, sipping tea) 

(our set up for today)

So, heads up everybody! Be looking for the final documentary sometime in the next two months. I'll let you know how it's progressing from time to time.

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