Sunday, December 16, 2012

Smith Family Blog in the Works

Hello, friends! Joie and I have had a great day of experiments and inspiration. Within the next week or so, we intend to open our new family blog.

Today we worked on some of the branding for our new setup. Here's some of what happened:

The S:

First I began with the great S (for Smith) which we will be able to use as an icon, avatar, or favicon. You can see a step by step below:

Since I didn't have a printer today, I just took a photo of the sheet I was drawing on and blended out the whites in good ol' Photoshop.

Next we began to work on our individual avatars and icons. I'm trying to keep with an 19th century process illustrative feel, so there are plenty of textures and washed out blacks involved.


and both elements together

It's all still a work in progress. Most everything we've accomplished today is still a rough draft, but perhaps it will give you a better idea of what's in store.

More to come soon!

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