Monday, January 21, 2013

Beginning Design Class with TACHE

This coming semester Joie and I will be offering a beginning design class with TACHE (Tipton Area Christian Home Educators).

We will be covering:

  • The concepting process of the Trite Response, Innovation, and New Connections
  • Design elements Line, Shape, Size, Value, and Texture
  • Design principles of Repetition, Emphasis, Balance, Variation, and Scale/Proportion
  • The Tools used to represent design principles: Contrast, Value, Positive and Negative Space, Focal Point, Anomaly, and Tangent
  • Definition of several design terms through examples like High Key, Low Key, Simultaneous Contrast, Gradation and Radiation
  • Composition, Framing, Cropping, and the Golden Ratio
  • Four basic forms of design; Geometric, Rectilinear, Organic, and Irregular

The class will take place from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm on:   February 11th and 24th, March 4th and 11th, and April 8th and 15th. The cost per student is $72 for all 6 class periods.

 We will be focusing on design elements and principles, developing artistic potential, and studying and applying the basic rules of visual design created by our Designer God. Any person over the age of 12 is welcome to attend (including adults over 18 years). 

There are only five days left to register (January 26th is the registration deadline) and we only have a few spots left. I'd love to see you there, so if you are interested in participating you can register at: 

If you have any questions, leave a comment or email

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