Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Photo Shoot Extravaganza!

UPDATE: This event has been rescheduled to occur on April 7th. See here for more information

I can't wait! This is going to be such a fun event! As it says on the flyer, we'll meet at the Noble Coffee & Tea Company on the Noblesville Square. We may pick up some balloons and carry them around with us all day so we'll be easy to find. 

To register for your own time slot, please email me at wm.smith.3@gmaildotcom ( with Promo Shoot in the subject. If you have any particulars for your session, be sure to let me know in your email. Otherwise, we will work as usual and shoot to our hearts content.

We only have enough time in this 5 hour window to book up to 12 sessions at the most, so don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. March 10th will come upon us before you know it.

If you've never met MJ (highly unlikely) or seen his work visit to get an idea of his awesomeness. We work together on a lot of Ripplewave projects too, so if you've seen one of us in person, it's highly likely that you've seen the other.

Hope to see you there!

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